Jack Stand

Jack Stand

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12 36 48
Car Jack Stand 12T

Capacity(ton): 12 Min.H(mm): 487 Lifting H(mm): 261 Max.H(mm): 748 Net Wt(kg): 23.5

Car Jack Stand 6T

Capacity(ton): 6 Min.H(mm): 410 Lifting H(mm): 190 Max.H(mm): 600 Net Wt(kg): 9

Car Jack Stand 3T

Capacity(ton): 3 Min.H(mm): 285 Lifting H(mm): 140 Max.H(mm): 425 Net Wt(kg): 4.8

Car Jack Stand 2T

Capacity(ton): 2 Min.H(mm): 275 Lifting H(mm): 150 Max.H(mm): 425 Net Wt(kg): 4.6


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